Getting You Job-Ready
We offer dedicated career readiness services and we'll even match you with a professional mentor to help you secure internships, gain valuable work experience and advise you on the ever-evolving job market.
You'll need more than just a degree
In today's rapidly changing world, a university degree is only just the beginning of an exciting journey. Future success depends on the decisions you make now. That's why we go out of our way to make sure that you are job-ready by the time you graduate at university. It is, after all, our goal for you to be successful, both while a resident at College, and beyond.
Professional Mentoring
If you are in your third year of study or above at university, you can elect to be matched with a professional mentor from your intended career industry. Professional mentors who have been involved come from a wide range of industries and are either professionals currently connected to the College (such as Fellows or alumni) or can be nominated by yourself and other residents.
Senior Staff Mentoring
As a resident, you'll be matched with a senior staff member upon admission. Besides looking after your pastoral care, mentoring sessions with senior staff are also a chance for you to discuss your progress at university, your interests, and co-curricular activities so that they can better understand your skills and needs. These mentoring sessions are conducted in a casual and informal setting.
Building Bridges with Alumni
If you are not from Perth, we know that going back to your hometown or country after completing your studies can be just as stressful as when you first arrived. With our vast alumni network, we can connect you with a recent former resident who has been through that process, where they will be able to help you adjust to life after College.
Leadership and Internship Opportunities
Getting experience through leadership and internship opportunities allows you to gain valuable hands-on knowledge and skills while adding an extra dimension to your résumé. Within the College, you can apply to be a leader within the community as a Residential Adviser (RA). There are multiple roles and positions within the RA Team structure, and you may even be eligible to earn credit points on your university transcript for your leadership work.